A high quality surgical experience
Tom Burton

- MBChB 2011 (University of Auckland)
- FRACS 2021 (General Surgery)
Special Interests:
- Endoscopy including Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy
- Laparoscopic and Open Colorectal Surgery
- Obesity and Bariatric Surgery
- Laparoscopic Surgery including Gallbladder and Hernia (ventral, inguinal, femoral)
- Endocrine Surgery including Thyroid and Parathyroid procedures
- Benign anorectal disease including haemorrhoids, anal fissures, fistulas and anal skin tags
- Skin conditions including pilonidal disease, lipomas and other lesions
- Skin cancer surgery including primary excisions, flaps and grafts
Tom is a New Zealand trained General Surgeon with post-fellowship training in Colorectal, Bariatric and Endocrine surgery at Waikato Hospital.
Tom is happy to accept referrals from medical professionals directly. He is also happy to see patients who refer themselves without a referral from their GP.
Tom is a Southern Cross Affiliated Provider and NIB First Choice member
Contact: Caroline Petersen
Phone: 03 544 8818 ext 5
Address: The Specialists Suite, Lower Queen Street Health, 355 Lower Queen Street, Richmond 7020