A high quality surgical experience
Mark Stewart

Qualifications: MB ChB (Otago), FRACS (General Surgery)
Special interests:
- Obesity and Bariatric surgery
- Laparoscopic surgery, including upper GI, gallbladder, bowel and hernias
- Benign upper gastrointestinal disease, including reflux, hiatus hernias, and achalasia
- Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy
- Benign anorectal disease, including haemorrhoids, anal fissures and fistulae
- Skin lesions and skin cancer
Since 2019, Mark has established a multidisciplinary bariatric programme in Nelson which provides wrap-around care.
A referral from a registered medical practitioner is preferred but not essential.
Website: www.nelsonweightlosssurgery.co.nz
Phone: 03 544 8818
Address: Lower Queen Street Specialists, 349-355 Lower Queen Street, Richmond
Email: jana@nwls.co.nz